While a motorhome or caravan is under warranty, due to the significant investment in these and the high cost to repair damage caused by water ingress, you should have the habitation checks carried out every 12 months, whilst it is in for a service. This is recommended as best practice as a habitation check is like a MOT for your living area, it ensures that your leisure vehicle is free from damp, has no electrical, gas, water or ventilation issues also they check the window and door seals and security of your mobile home.
The cost of a habitation check vary nationwide, but generally starts from around £200 upwards. A full habitation check should take around 3 hours to complete. Some customers get confused as they think that this should be part of a service, but most dealers add this on top of a service cost as an addition, so it's advisable to ask if it is part of the service when booking the vehicle in for it's annual service.
It is also advisable to have a habitation check carried out when purchasing a new or secondhand motorhome or caravan, be sure to ask for the certificate as proof the checks have been completed.
Although there is a guide for servicing motorhomes and caravans by the NCC (National Caravan Council), each service centre/company service leisure vehicles differently, i.e some include the habitation test as part of the service and some do not placing this as an additional cost. There is no legal requirement for a habitation check every 12 months, this helps to protect your investment by finding any faults before they become too big. Also check with your insurance company as to whether or not they require a habitation check to be carried out annually, as they may require this as part of your insurance cover.