The Thetford Toilet in our leisure vehicles our different in many ways from the toilets we have in our homes, regarding care.
The Thetford Toilet is a lightweight, high-quality toilet with a removeable waste holding tank ‘Cassette’, making it an ideal solution for leisure vehicle like Caravans, Motorhomes, Campervans and boats.
Proper care is crucial when cleaning and maintenance is carried out on a regular basis to ensure the longevity of your Thetford Toilet and Cassette. You can use Thetford Duo Tank cleaner to clean both your cassette and your grey waste tank. This will remove limescale and grease.
You should always use recommended products to treat the waste inside your cassette tank, i.e. Thetford Aqua-kem Blue, as this helps reduce any odours that may occur inside your leisure vehicle, it also helps maintain a healthy environment.
It is recommended that you read the instruction on the Pink Flush fluid bottle to get the right dose to put into your water flush tank, as too much can cause issues like clogging up the water pump after a period of time, as the pink fluid can congeal around the fins of the pump. It also plays a part in the rubber seals failing after a period of time.
It is highly recommended to use only toilet paper especially for chemical toilets, like Thetford Aqua-Kem toilet paper, Elsan Soft Toilet paper and other brands as these will breakdown easily in your cassette. Household toilet paper can clog your cassette due to their thickness. Also when emptying/cleaning your cassette do not shake it vigorously as this can dislodge your level indicator, which tells you when your cassette is full and needs emptying.
Never use bleach or any domestic household products on the Thetford Toilet or Cassette, as these could cause damage to the plastic and cause seals and other parts of the toilet to fail.